Sunday, November 26, 2006

Dragonheart's First Day

Last night was Drake's first evening with us. He slept curled up next to me for about half an hour, and spent most of the rest of the night in his cat tree, with a fleece blanket. He really likes the cat tree - he is quite content to hang out there a lot of the time.

Today he has been quite active, exploring the room, playing with us and with his toys, and then coming to curl up in my lap for a bit before heading off again to play some more. He really enjoys playing with a peacock feather that we can dangle in front of him, as you can see in the photos.

He is very curious and a lot of fun to play with. He seems to be settling in just fine.

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by Caylynn

(Click on the small photo above to see more photos.)


Ingrid said...

He, he ! He seems to feel completely at home by now ! Wonderful, so he slept with you and not alone in his room. I think then you would have gotten up the whole night ! Educating a cat is the most difficult thing I guess. Usually she educates you, lol ! I am sure you will spend a very funny sunday together !

I wanted to see the smaller button on your sidebar, but there is no sidebar it has disappeared. Not even hanging on the bottom. This morning I didn't pay attention, but now it's gone. I use IE 7 the new version and it happens the first time with your blog. I am sure your button is much better, I just did it like that, I still have to learn a lot. Do you know how I could tell everybody that CATS ON TUESDAY is ready ? Otherwise I have to go from Blog to Blog. That doesn't matter either, today I have time.

TopChamp said...


Does he like being stroked as much as hairy cats do? Always wondered that....

Anonymous said...

So adorable!

meowminx said...

Wow! That is really cool that you got that cat! I have always wanted to see a proper closeup photo of a pet cat like that :-) I am glad he is settling in really well and enjoying his cat toys :D


Whitney Decker said...

First time reading this blog thanks for sharing