Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Hapy Holidays from Dragonheart

Merry Christmas from Dragonheart

(Click either card for a larger version of that card)

Merry Christmas!
Joyeux Nöel!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Wishing all my blogging friends and their families a very Merry Christmas!


Ingrid said...

Merry Christmas to you from Egypt ! It s quite hot and for the first time in my life I will have Belly Dancing on Christmas Eve ! Crazy world ! Hope you three enjoy your Christmas without family in Germany ! I will try to post next week on writer cramps>

Heart of Rachel said...

"Maligayang Pasko Caylynn!"
Merry Christmas Caylynn!


Irish Church Lady :) said...

Merry Christmas Caylynn!

Hope you and hubby and Dragonheart have a great Christmas together.

Michelle Wiebe said...

And to you too, my friend.

Hug a soldier for me and "thanks" for me as well. :)

masgblog said...

Merry Christmas had asked about my reference to I am not in fitness instruction (but I wanted to be at one point in my life). I am quite physically active.

Viamarie said...

A Blessed Christmas To You And Family!!!