Monday, November 13, 2006

Monday Madness

Monday MadnessThis week's Monday Madness Questions:
  1. From ch'i: If you could only read one blog every day- which one blog would be on your daily list?

    My friend Michelle's Blog, mw-artco. She does beautiful paintings and ACEO, and I'm always interested in seeing her new pieces.

  2. From kat: What do you do to de-stress from a hectic day?

    Go for a run, lift some weights, curl up with a good book, or relax with a computer game (role-playing or citybuilding game).

  3. From paxil princess: What is your favorite piece of clothing to wear in the winter?

    I love wearing cords in the winter. They are comfortable and warm.

  4. From sherle: Do you prefer discussing problems with a sibling, a parent, a significant other, a psychologist, or a total stranger?

    Significant other. My husband. :hug: He's learned to be a great listener.

  5. From trista: How long have you been blogging?

    Not long. Only since August 2006. We were posted to Munich in July, and our family blog started out as a way to keep in touch with friends and family back home. Then I started this blog as a running, group fitness, and horseback riding log, and it has evolved from there!

  6. From lisa e: Which side of the bed?

    It doesn't really matter. Back in Canada, our bedroom was arranged such that I was on the right hand side. Now here in Munich, I'm on the left hand side.

  7. From elton: How often do you pig out when you eat?

    Never. It's not healthy! I eat a little too much at family celebrations, like Thanksgiving or Christmas, but I can't recall ever "pigging out".

  8. From karen: Do you watch the space shuttle launches?

    When the space shuttles were still fairly new, I used to watch the launches whenever it was possible (ie. I wasn't in class or otherwise occupied). Now I tend to watch the launches only when there is a Canadian on board. I'm much more likely to follow the news on the shuttle missions on the internet these days.

  9. From dawn: What's your favorite leisure-time activity?

    Doing anything with my husband. :hug: We go for runs together, lift weights together, read comic books together, watch TV and movies together... We just love spending time together. :hug:

  10. From sherle: When is the last time you said, 'I love you' and to whom? What about hugs? Who is the last person you hugged?

    Said "I love you" to my husband this morning, before he left for work. :hug: My husband was also the last person I hugged, last night, before bed (I was still in bed when he left for work this morning, so no opportunity for hugs, just "I love you"s.)


Judy said...

Greetings from Monday Madness. I enjoyed your post. My hubby and I, too, do a lot of things together... we even work together, which freaks a lot of people out!

Good to "meet" you.

~**Dawn**~ said...

wandered over here from Monday Madness. sounds like we have the same sort of philosophy on eating! i would prefer not to eat too much all at once either.

Unknown said...

Another art card fan! I think I've seen your friend's work. Small world.

harmoniousjosh (guestblogging husband of nutmegnine)

Karen & Rick said...

Hi Caylynn,

I love to spend time with my husband too and he is always my first choice for someone to talk with.

Have a great week!

Anais Nin said...

This is the first time I've seen Monday Madness. Those are some good questions.

I'm ashamed to admit that I "pig out" way more than I should. I go one way or the other. I either don't eat much at all (less than 400cals/day) or too much (more than 2000cals/day).I just love dealing with eating disorders. *note sarcasm*

I'll have to start making my fractal art again and maybe you can come see it, too and tell me what you think of it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've got a very healthy perspective on life! Thanks for stopping by my Monday Madness. :)

Heart of Rachel said...

Hello Caylynn. Sorry wasn't able to drop by here sooner. I was a little busy with some chores. Thanks for checking my MM this week. I appreciate the comments.

It's nice that you and your husband enjoy the same things. It's a great advantage when you share the same interests.

Take care!


Michelle Wiebe said...

Hee!!! I "know" harmoniousjosh from the ebay group ATC and ACEO enthusiasts!!!!!

Caylynn, I'm really touched that you so faithfully check out my blog.

I have a secret for you, my first fairy that I have posted, I did on Rememberance Day. I was thinking about you and your DH, so in thanks, I did red poppies in the background.

They are special from all the other background flowers because they are the only ones with four petals. :)

Maria said...

Thanks for posting thhis