This Week I am presenting two special Thursday Thirteen lists in Honour of Veterans' Week (November 5-11) and Remembrance Day (November 11th)
13 Conflicts Past and Present in which Canadians Have Served
- The First World War - During the First World War, 60,383 Canadians lost their lives, 155,799 were wounded, and there were 1,630 civilians killed (in the Halifax Harbour explosion). Many historians believe that Canada became a nation, separate from Great Britain, with the Battle of Vimy Ridge in the First World War
- The Second World War - Canada’s participation in the Second World War was a massive effort involving millions of Canadians from coast to coast. Nearly 47,000 Canadians died and nearly 55,000 were seriously wounded between 1939 and 1945.
- The Korean War - 26,791 Canadians served in the Korean war, 516 died, and 1,558 were wounded. Another 7,000 served in the theatre between the cease-fire and the end of 1955.
- First and Second United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF I and UNEF II) - Canadian Forces members took part in the United Nations (UN) peace missions in the Gaza strip and the Sinai peninsula of Egypt between 1956 and 1967, and again from 1973 to 1979.
- United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus - The Canadian mission to Cyprus lasted 29 years, making it one of the longest overseas commitments in which Canada has ever participated. In total, more than 25,000 Canadian Forces members served in Cyprus over the decades.
- Operation DANACA UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) Golan Heights - Between 1974 and 2006 over 12,000 soldiers, sailors and air personnel served in the Golan Heights.
- Persian Gulf War (Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm) and United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission - More than 4,000 Canadian Forces personnel served in the tense Persian Gulf region in 1990-91, as part of the international coalition of countries that came together to force the invading forces of Iraq out of neighbouring Kuwait. In the aftermath of the conflict, Canadians continued to serve in peacekeeping and embargo-enforcement efforts in the region. My husband served a tour of duty in Kuwait during the first Gulf War. In fact, he was the Canadian officer who opened up the Canadian Embassy in Kuwait City after the Iraqis had been driven out.
- United Nations Support Mission in Haiti (UNSMIH) - My husband is one of the many Canadians who served a six-month peacekeeping tour in Haiti. He was one of the Canadian Forces engineers who "brought their expertise in road maintenance, mine disposal, water supply and power generation to the peace support efforts."
- Operation HARMONY - United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR)
Balkan Region - More than 2,000 Canadian Forces personnel served in the Balkan region with UNPROFOR and one of its successor missions, the United Nations Peace Forces Headquarters (UNPF). - Operation PALLADIUM - NATO Stabilization Force (SFOR) The Balkans - Again, my husband was one of the many Canadians who served a six-month tour of duty in the Balkans. More than 40,000 Canadians served in Bosnia-Herzegovina and twenty-five Canadians lost their lives while serving there.
- Operation TOUCAN International Force in East Timor (INTERFET) and United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) - 600 Canadian Forces personnel served in East Timor.
- Operation ECLIPSE - United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) - This is another peacekeeping tour that my husband did. This one was particularly rough, because he was gone over Christmas. He was one of the first officers and soldiers to go over, because he was among the engineers setting up the camp. When they arrived, there was nothing but an empty field, and they had to build everything from scratch. They were living in pup-tents and burning their waste while they set up the camp. On Christmas Day, it is traditional for Canadian officers to do the soldiers' duties, to give the soldiers the day off. So my husband spent that Christmas burning human waste (this was before they had the sewer system for the camp set up) and ate a "boil a bag" meal. This was also during their first month of the tour, so they didn't have any phone or computer access yet. They only had the satellite phone for emergencies. So I didn't even get a call from him on Christmas. Once the camp was set up, around mid-January, I started hearing from him almost every day via email, and once a week by phone. But that Christmas was hard.
- OP ATHENA - Afghanistan - The Canadian contribution to the NATO led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) - There are currently 2,286 troops serving in Operation Athena and close to 10,000 Canadians have served in Afghanistan since 2002. 43 Canadians (42 military and one diplomat) have lost their lives in Afghanistan, including Captain Nichola Goddard, the first woman in Canadian history killed in a combat role and the first female member of the Canadian military killed in combat since the Second World War.
- Pause for the "2-Minute Wave of Silence" at 11:00 a.m. on November 11 for the men and women who served our country during wartime.
- Attend commemorative ceremonies at the local cenotaph.
- Watch the national Remembrance Day services on television and remember that the National War Memorial in Ottawa is dedicated to those who served in time of war.
- Wear a poppy in tribute to the men and women who sacrificed their lives for freedom.
- Plan a candlelight tribute to commemorate a special anniversary with one of the regiments, air force groups or naval associations in your area. Visit Veterans Affairs Canada's Web site for links to Veterans' groups and organizations.
- Spread the word about Veterans' Week.
- Organize a lunchtime discussion on how the wars still have an impact on our lives today.
- Encourage your local public library or archives, both important resources for community history, to create a display of wartime memorabilia (for example, photographs, uniforms, badges, military medals and decorations, diaries) in your office complex.
- Hold a series of readings during the Week on books by or about Veterans and the wars.
- Organize a walking tour of historic sites related to Veterans' achievements in your community, for example businesses, hospitals, museums, grave sites, etc.
- Contact your local Royal Canadian Legion Branch, local historical or genealogical society, the history department at a nearby university or community college, or local Veterans' groups for information and speakers. Bookmark Veterans Affairs Canada's Web site for links to Veterans' organizations.
- Visit a Veterans' residence, senior citizens' residence or nursing home to talk to older men and women about their lives and experiences during times of war.
- Ask your local school board, a trustee or teachers to use the school resources provided free each year by Veterans Affairs Canada in the classroom.
and for those currently serving:
Get in touch with a member of the Canadian Forces either in Canada or overseas. All the addresses for Canadian Forces bases and overseas operations are listed on the National Defence Web site at www.forces.gc.ca/site/community/messageboard/index_e.asp.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
a history lesson for Canadian and non-Canadians alike... Happy TT
Great list, but at the same time it is sad WHY they needed to join these events. War...I don't get it.
It always makes me cry when on the 4th and 5th of May (Rememberance and Liberation day) so many old veterans from Canada, USA and UK still come back to Holland.
Thanks for visiting my TT and for your words :)
Thanks for giving us a wonderful history lesson about Canada! I love Canada and hopefully I can go back there someday!
Happy Thursday!
That's very interesting, I didn't know all of that.
Thanks for visiting my TT!
The saddest wars are the ones that served no purpose, like Korea. There was no winner and so many lost their lives.
Have a happy TT
Love your list. SO often our Vets are forgotten.
You are an amazing source of knowledge. Oh and I was scrolling through and you really made me miss my German Windows! You always send me into withdrawl.
I am truly impressed by your list. As a patriotic American, I appreciate Canadian help in so many of our military engagements.
Happy TT! Thanks for stopping by!
Great list! I always like learning something from these so thanks for the history lesson. Have a great rest of the week:D
I love history and there is still so much I have to learn, thanks for such a great tt!
happy thursday :)
I loved the history lesson. Our veterans (here and in Canada) need our support and our encouragement. Thanks for reminding us.
My T13 is up.
Great list. I appreciate the sacrifice that they made.
I take some stabs at The Big Easy in my 18th T13 The 13 Fun Facts about New Orleans Edition which is up now. Stop by if you get a chance. Now in NEW Blogger!
Wonderful post. Hooah! for our troops, past and present.
Thanks for coming by my blog. I've really enjoyed reading yours this morning. :)
Interesting list. You never really think about the support the troops outside of your own country give (or is that just selfish old me...?).
Happy Thursday.
Very timely for this week and educational too. We need to remember troops everywhere.
I have to agree with the first commenter, Wendy, when she said it was a history lesson because that is exactly how I felt well while reading your list. I had lived by Canada for most of my life, and I had no idea about some of these events.
Thanks to veterans everywhere for all that they have done to keep peace in our world!
Oooh, a history lesson! I love that. And of course, as a fellow military spouse, I appreciate the reminder to support veterans.
GREAT LIST! Did you see my pics a couple of weeks ago, when we met some of the Skyhawks? It was at the Pentagon, the Army (US) 10-miler. I'm terribly out of shape now, but would like to get IN shape and run that next year. ;)
I've posted my Thursday Thirteen, too. Enjoy!
What wonderful lists -- thank you!
Great list! Many people are not aware of how involved the Canadian military is around the world. I didn't know about wearing a poppy either. I'll have to pick one up for Veterans Day.
Thank your husband for me and thank you for your sacrifices!!!
Great lists! Happy TT!
This is a great 13, but it brings sadness because of all the lives loss. My husband served in the Korean War and my father in WWII. And now my daughter is getting deployed to Iraq.
Wonderful list! I think one of the best I've seen this week.
Thanks for stopping by my list!
Excellent List Caylynn. Often we forget about why we celebrate these days.
What a list! You really worked on this one.
Thanks for coming by.
Great List. I love the fact that Canada honors their Veterans. My SIL works at a vets retirement center that is first rate.
a very educational list! thanks for sharing.
Jenny in Ca
Veterans Day always has an extra note of sadness for my family. My grandfather died on Vet's Day when my mom was a freshman in college. I never met him, but he was a paratrooper in WW II, and a wonderful man. The flags serve as a reminder of all his fellow soldiers that we lost and of him.
Thanks for stopping by earlier!
we owe so much for those who fight for our countries!
we honor my late brother (beirut), my great uncle (ww2 vet and pow), my uncle (vietnam) here. amazing lists. i never realized how much canada has served in world conflicts. now i know.
thanks for visiting my tt this week and for the birthday wishes.
I admit I know very very little about Canadian history. Thanks for this!
thank you for sharing, what a great list! and for remembering veterans, i will remember to do the same. thanks for stopping my tt!
A wonderful list! As an American, I found it really neat to read about what conflicts another country has served in.
what a wonderful history lesson
You really did your research there! I love how your support your troops.
Thanks for visiting my blog!!
I have to be honest and tell you that your list was quite an education for me! Great post in honor of your veterens!
This was so good! Thank you for all the great information and I may use some of these ideas for our Veterans Day in the US. We just don't show enough appreciation for these brave people.
Great idea for a TT. My hubby has been on a few of those missions as well. Hope you don't mind but I'm linking directly to it in a separate post on my site so it gets more exposure outside of the TT realm.
What a wonderful list. It's so important for generations to remember. Taking two minutes to think of the lives dedicated and the lives lost is nothing compared to the time vetrans put into keeping peace. You've done a great service to all by creating these lists. Thanks for stopping by.
Wow, you taught me a lot!
Two very interesting TT´s. Thanks a lot for sharing!
kind regards from Düsseldorf,
Thank you for the excellent history lesson. This is also our Veterans' week/day memorial, based on the end of WWI, which really had such a terrible loss of life.
Thanks for visiting my TT. I'm making a special link for Canadian bloggers because I find so many good ones.
This is an excellent list, a lot of facts I wasn't aware of. Thanks!
Very informative list! I never was good at history! lol Thanks for visiting me today :)
What tragic, yet important information you have shared! While we don't have Veterans Week in the US, we are honoring Veterans Saturday, on Veteran's Day.
I think you suggestions on how to honor those who gave their lives for our freedom.
Great list, Caylynn!
Outstanding TT.
Sending love and thanks to our great friends up North!
See you next week,
Good ideas! Thank you for the comment! My blog is kind of new and I am so glad for comments!
Great list, very informative!
Great lists! My dad is a Veteran of the USAF and it's important to honor those that serve their country.
Very interesting...thank you for sharing.
What a wonderful list. I shared it with a few people who were around me when I visited the blog, and it sparked a fantastic discussion. Thank you. (thank you also for the comment on my blog! plus, I also ride--I do three day eventing...what do you do?)
I like your list.
Greetings from Germany,
Excellent, informative list! Thanks so much!
well done list! thanks for visiting mine!
I've only been to Canada once, when I was younger. I'd like to go there again sometime soon! Thank you for the great information!
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