Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen#13 - 13 Photos of our new Sphynx kitten, Dragonheart :hug:














Do you have any questions about Sphynx? Head on over to Dragonheart's blog, and ask your question there. He'll answer them during next week's Thursday Thirteen. Thanks!


K said...

I don't think I've ever seen a kitten like this one before. He looks very sweet. All great pictures, but I think my favorites are pictures #9, where he is taking a nap, and picture #4.

Mike said...

I love the ears on your cat. I also like dogs that have ears that stick up like that also. Nice TT.

Nathalie said...

Good luck with your new kitty!
And thanks for visiting my TT!

MaR said...

I have never seen one of these cats in real life. He looks very delicate to me. Lovely pics! Happy TT and congrats on finishing NaBloPoMo!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh...I love his name! I have never seen a sphynx cat in real life, I would love to find out more. My cat has enough hair to weave Dragonheart a winter coat! She's beautiful, but needs lots of brushing. Cool TT13! Mine's up too.

Anonymous said...

So cute but he looks so fragile! I'm allergic to cats, wonder if I'd be allergic to one with no hair. Happy TT!

Darla said...

Awwww... great pix, and he looks adorable.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the kind of cat I need. My dd has a Ragdoll and she sheds. Ugh! Thanks for sharing your pictures!

Di said...

I love visiting your TT's...but cats freak me out...I'm a dog person.

Tink said...

Congrats and good luck with Dragonheart. I love the pics, especially number 9!
Thanks for visiting my Sinterklaas-TT!

ann said...

Wow! I remember on the show "Friends" when Rachel got a cat like this one. It's the only one I've ever seen before your pics. The pictures are great and I hope you and your cat have many great years together! Thanks for sharing this important part of your life!

Norma said...

Although not my favorite breed, you obviously love her and will have a good time.

My TT is up.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Those are great pictures! Looks like he's fitting into the household just fine. Thanks for sharing:)

Shannon said...

Enjoy your new friend.

Have a great Thursday!

Anonymous said...

I love sphinxes!! They are so adorable. My hubby thinks I'm crazy but I think they're cute! Have you logged him on Catster? My kitties are on there and have a blog also. Happy Thursday!

Ingrid said...

On photo N° 10, he really looks like a little Dragon, lol !
You know, finally it was my fault, old Lisa is 16 years old and twice a year has hormonal problems. I were too lazy to go to the vet to get her pills and now I am punished for that. But besides a lot of Computer work also happy about the new one !

John Holland said...

Someone beat me to it, but I was going to say that this was the same cat the Rachel got on Friends. Hope yours is a lot more friendly than hers was. Cool cat though.

Unknown said...

He's gorgeous! Great pics. I've never seen one in real life, and these closeups are beautiful!

Have a great Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Photo 10 looks like he's straight out of an Egyptian glyph! Thanks for stopping by my TT.

Anonymous said...

I must say, this little guy looks even more regal than most cats, lol. He also looks slightly worried with all those wrinkles. lol

Happy TT!

Elisa said...

What a cute kitten! Great pics.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Good luck with your new kitty.. they have always freaked me out though... just something baout the sphynx cat does it to me

Karla Porter Archer said...

I understand that these are VERY sweet kitties... I think I'd rub his skin raw --- it looks so soft and touchable!!!

And I love the name!!


Angela James said...

It's odd to see a cat without fur. What do they feel like? I have to say, the idea of no fur to vacuum, clean off furniture and pick off my clothes is so attractive!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh. No shedding! Such an unusual looking kitty. Love the pics!

Southern Girl said...

Ooo, he's so cute! When I see cats like this, I always think of the "Friends" episode where Rachel bought one and Joey kept insisting "That's not a cat!" heee!

Hope you enjoy each other for a long time!

Sarah said...

My first thought is he looks so tiny. But I bet my cat would look just like that if you took off the fur. He is more fur than cat.

Carmen said...

i've never known anyone with a hairless cat before. I'll have to head over and ask a question.

Anonymous said...

Um, wow... fun pics. Happy TT

Susan said...

Wow...that is just cool!! I can never get 13 pics in my blog...that's impressive too.

My TT is up, too.

Anonymous said...

I love the ears on yoru cat...and it looks like I'm not the only one who has said that! LOL.

My 13 are up.

Julie in Texas said...

Cute kitten! Such an expressive face. Enjoy.

Happy TT!

Heather said...

Very cute pictures! I love those cats! They have such a sweet temperament, and they feel like velvet!

Crista said...

Wow...congrats on the new kitten, and thanks for sharing!

Thanks for stopping by my list last week, too, and sorry to take a week to get here!!

JAM said...

Cool photo list and a cute cat! Few things are funnier than watching a cat investigate/play. It's so serious for them. It's like even play is practice for "the kill."

Bubba said...

Thanks for sharing cute kittie pics... :)

Happy TT! Thanks for stopping by!

Michelle Wiebe said...

I LOVE the first one. What a graceful kitty.

Frances D said...

He ought to be in a commercial or something.
Very photogenic feline.
Thanks for sharing.
See you next week,

Joely Sue Burkhart said...

Neat pictures!! I love the horses on the blog header, too.

Unknown said...

Cool pictures. I've thought about getting a cat like this before, but I don't think they would like our cold winters. I'd want to put a sweater on him!

Domestic Goddess said...

Ok, I just have to say it. It is kinda creepy looking. It's eyes are neat though. Does it have troubles staying warm?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. Enjoy your new kitty. Not sure if I fancy one with no hair - it looks strange.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my T13 :-)

Melessa Gregg said...

Aww! It makes me want a new kitty. (But we already have 2, so DH won't go for that.)

Blog said...

WOW! I've never known anyone who had a cat like this before. He seems so sweet in the pictures. Great pictures! I love him! :) Enjoy!!!

Anonymous said...

How CUTE!! He's way too adorable!

Anonymous said...

So cute-cats are the best!

tiggerprr said...

Enjoy your new little friend! You'll have to get him some sweaters! I bet he gets cold without any fur! :)

Janet said...


Dane Bramage said...

Lovely kitty! Great pics too. Today must be the day for photo thirteens. Yours is the second I've come across.

Well the third if you count mine. Better late than never, my Thursday Thirteen # 21 is up now. It is the Photo Church Tour Edition Stop by if you get a chance!

EHT said...

Your cat has a very intriguing look.....

Mags said...

I've never actually seen one like this either...good 13!

Anonymous said...

How cute is that kitten? We have a kitten too and I'm a little nervous about putting up the tree. Hope your little one does well. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

What an unusual cat. Great photos!

Anonymous said...

Great photo's! I'm not used to seeing a hairless cat. How old is it?

I'm up too.

alisonwonderland said...

great photos! happy TT!

Leah said...

first time I've seen this kind of cat. Very unique...and nice name too.

Kukka-Maria said...

Love the blue Ikea tent! I've got one in red!

Love the photos...

Joy Renee said...

so cute! and lively, curious, energetic--a Dragonheart thru and thru. ejoy him.

thanx for visiting my TT. sorry i was so slow in returning the vist. I will do better next week now that NaNoWriMo is over

Irish Church Lady :) said...

Here Kitty! I like your tent. Planning a camping trip soon?

TopChamp said...

He's a very funky looking cat.

I miss the kitten phase but Kandinsky is brilliant company now she's settled down at the grand old age of 8(ish).