Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Foto Pherrets

Foto Pherrets
Hump Day Hunt - Week Forty-Nine

Christmas is coming. Santa's elves are busy making these...

Our word for this week is:


These are some photos of our new Sphynx kitten, Dragonheart, playing with some of his toys. :hug: He is so cute when he pounces on the feathers. :hug:


LZ said...

Hi there! I came upon your blog through Dragonheart's blog. My cats all have blogs :). He is such a cute little kitten! I bet you're loving him quite a lot. I also enjoy horseback riding-in fact I have my own horse. Just stopping by to say hi! I hate to be one of those people who doesn't leave a comment.


Michelle Wiebe said...

Awwww! so cute!

Anonymous said...

I love him! He's so adorable. I love your take on toys. I was too brain fried to be anything but very literal! LOL

Ingrid said...

He becomes more cute every day !
I really were sitting in a big mess yesterday ! My old Lisa had peed on my laptop and I had to buy a new one ! For the moment I am busy to get all my favourites back. Fortunately the computer guy can recuperate my documents and photos ! I will get this on saturday. Meanwhile I enjoy the new one !