Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Cats on Tuesday

Cats on TuesdayGattina is hosting a new meme for those of us who are owned by cats, called Cats on Tuesday. Visit her blog and join in the fun.

DragonheartDragonheart is a four month old, black and white, Sphynx kitten who just joined our family this past Saturday. You can read about his trip back to Munich with us, or about his first day with us.

Sphynx are naturally hairless. However, Sphynx are not always totally hairless; there can be a fine down on the body, which makes the cat feel like a warm peach. The bridge of the nose is normally coated and some light hair is often present on the ears, tail and toes. Dragonheart is completely hairless, and has fur only on his nose. He looks very cute with his white nose surrounded by black.

Sphynx usually have no whiskers but if whiskers are present they are short and sparse. Dragonheart has very short, curly whiskers.

Dragonheart loves being petted, and he feels like a warm chamois. He is very curious and inquisitive, and loves being cuddled. He was a wonderful rumbling purr.

The most famous Sphynx is, of course, Mr. Bigglesworth, Dr. Evil's cat in the Austin Powers movies. Contrary to what some people believe, they did not shave a poor cat for the movie. They used a Sphynx! The cat who played Mr. Bigglesworth is a Sphynx named SGC Belfry Ted Nude-gent.

Dragonheart's full name is "HairNSkin Dragonheart" since his breeder's cattery name is Hair 'N' Skin. We call him Drake or Drago for short. Another nickname he has acquired in his short time here is "Dragoncat".

Dragonheart has his own blog, that you can check out. If you own a cat with a blog, have them drop by and say "hi".

If you have any questions about Sphynx, feel free to ask them in your comment, and I will attempt to answer them next week during Cats on Tuesday.


Ingrid said...

He is really adorable ! And I love his nose ! They sphinx cats took there name from the egyptian cats as they look exactly like the once of Egyptian cat statues. And if I look at my egyptian cat collection, there are a lot of Dragoncats ! Now I am used to him, he must be a funny cat like our Arthur ! Mr. Gattino told me yesterday you should put him a little red uniform on for Christmas, because he must be cold without furr ! lol (I showed him the album)

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Dragoncat is so sweet looking...I've seen pictures of hairless cats but never aactually petted one...And he is such a youngin'! (lol) Four months old...Are they High Strung Cats?
I know so little about the different breeds...!

Jodi said...

I have never seen a hairless cat before. Doesn't he get cold up there in Canada? Brrr Can't wait to hear of more adventures with your kitty!!

Have a great Tuesday!

Maribeth said...

Oh he is so cute. My step-daughter thought of getting one for her allergic Hubby, but even those cats make his asthma come out. (apparently it has something to do with the saliva of a cat that makes people who are allergic crazy.
Looking forward to more pics.

Ingrid said...

I see little Drake becomes popular and writes already comments alone ! I have sent your album to my friend who has 5 siamese cats and lives nearby. She found him absolutely gorgious, she loves sphinx cats ! I think the stepdaughter's husband of Mariebeth doesn't like cats and asthma is a good excuse ! He doesn't kiss the cat ! I met people who pretended asthma, because they were afraid of cats !

But the reason where I am here, is : is there no Photo pherret tomorrow ? I can't find the word.

Anonymous said...

What a contrast your Dragonheart and my Momo make! Very opposites when it comes to cat hair! Very different looking cat but very sweet by the photos!

TopChamp said...

I'm really sorry - I've looked through your blog but can't see an answer.

Does he enjoy stroking the same way hairy cats do?

p.s. Last time I'll ask - promise!