We picked up our Sphynx kitten, Dragonheart, from the breeder today.

The breeder lives up near Frankfurt, so we drove from Munich to Frankfurt yesterday afternoon, spent the evening in a hotel, and then picked up Dragonheart this morning at the breeder's place. She provided us with some toys, food and litter for him, as well as his vaccination and ID chip papers. Once we have him neutered, we'll send her proof of the neutering, and we'll receive his pedigree.

Dragonheart is the name the breeder gave him - she names her litters according to themes, and this litter was "fantasy" so we have Dragonheart, and his brother was Merlin. We'll probably end up calling him Drake or Drago. (For more pictures of Drake from today, click on the small photo below.)

by Caylynn
Ooooh, how nice! Welcome to Dragonheart. I'm a huge cat lover....we have 3, one of which is a Maine Coon cat.
All the best to you and your new addition and many years of enjoyment.
Congrats on your addition!
Awww! Just like Dr. Evil's cat, no?
I think I could grow to love a funny looking cat like that. No shedding! Is he good for people who are allergy sensitive?
I like Drake.
Drake takes the cake! Enjoy!
Awwwwwwww! He's changed so much from the other photos!
Best of luck to you guys and the new addition to your family.
How was your first night ? I am curious to know what he did in "his" room ! Didn't he meauw the whole night ? He is really cute ! I think you will be the only one with a "naked" cat in our group ! For me too ! I don't know anybody amongst people I know who owns one. Will you keep this long name ?
By the way, CATS ON TUESDAY is created, we all can post on tuesday ! Look at my blog.
Yesterday evening I saw Canadian soldiers in a défilé in Monaco. They were there for the national day. Usually I don't like uniforms but they looked very nice all in red !
Congratulations that yor baby is home! He's adorable!
How nice that your new kitten is home. I like the name Drake. :)
Welcome to the new member of the family.
Welcome Dragonheart! You's the first sphynx kitty we've met and you's furry cute. You's got big ears like Skeezix and that's cool!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
I am happy to hear that Dragonheart settled in well.
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